Friday, June 22, 2012

Farewell Kindergarten Friends! First Grade, Here We Come!

 Celebrating Kindergarten!
We learned so much this year and had so much fun in Kindergarten!  To celebrate our fabulous Kindergarten students, we had an end of the year Flag Day Show!  We learned patriotic songs to perform and we also performed some of our favorite Kindergarten songs, like "Days of the Week," "Month Macarena," and the "Action Alphabet."  Each class even performed their own special songs!  We are so ready for first grade now!  First grade here we come!!!

Mrs. Olsen's AM Class
Mrs. Curry's AM Class
Mrs. Bennett's AM Class

Mrs. Olsen's PM Class

PM Kindergarten
Mrs. Curry's PM Class

*experiencing technical difficulties with the PM video... check back later!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Author Skype with Katie Davis

After all of our writing and becoming authors ourselves, we began to get curious about the authors of some of our favorite books.  We reached out and were able to set up a meeting with the famous, fabulous children's book author Katie Davis!
Katie has written many books, including...


Prior to meeting with Katie we read many of her books.  We noticed that they had many bright colors, speech bubbles, and lots of humor!  Then we graphed our favorites.
Most of us liked Who Hops? best because we made class books modeled after this mentor text.  To see digital versions of our class stories, click the links below:
Photos from our Skype with Katie Davis



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Technology Continues to Expand Our Horizons

This year in Social Studies we learned all about how about similarities and differences between ourselves and others, we learned to celebrate differences, and also learned about communities and maps!  Here is what we know about our community:

Our town is named Lake Hopatcong after the lake we live around.  We go to Ellen T. Briggs School, a small school with grades K-2.  We live in northern New Jersey about 1 hour drive away from New York City.
We also learned that New Jersey is in the north east of our country.  Our county is the United States of America.  We learned all about our pledge of allegiance, our flag, and our money.

We decided to take our knowledge of  our community, combined with our knowledge of plants and gardens (another unit we have been working on), and share it with children in another community!  We reached out and found Tia Eres' Kindergarten class from Arica, Chile!
 Below is a link to a video of our International Kindergarten Skype!  Please excuse our camera work... while we embrace technology, sometimes it does not embrace us back (so our video was accidentally shot sideways).  Enjoy!