Friday, March 15, 2013

Kindergarten Partner Reading

Through the Reader's Workshop, we have been building up to and practicing partner reading all year! 

More recently, we began learning how to write "How To" books in Writer's Workshop.  To practice, we decided to teach "How To Partner Read," since we are such experts.  Our poster is especially fabulous, since it has pictures of us!

 How To Partner Read
1. Get your Book Bag
2. Sit on the floor EEKK Style (Elbow, Elbow, Knee, Knee) with your partner
  3.Read your book to your partner
  4. Talk about the book
  5. Then it's your partner's turn

These Kindergarten partner reading experts know that it is not enough to just figure out the words in the book.  We also have to understand the book and talk about it.  We have practiced a lot of different ways to talk about your book with your partner.

The links below are videos of students engaged in partner reading.  Listen in as students work on their decoding, fluency, and comprehension with their partners. Afterwards we always self-assess by "checking in," (which is uses language and a structure from the Daily 5).

Since we are always self assessing, students watched themselves in the videos from these links.  Afterwards we talked about our strengths and weaknesses.  The answers the students generated are on the chart below.  The most impressive part is that these are  STUDENT GENERATED ANSWERS!  (I definitely did my happy teacher dance after all this great thinking!!!) It is posted on our "Reading is Thinking!" bulletin board so that we can look at it and remember the things we need to be working on.